For my first post back into things in awhile (a long while), I thought I would introduce everyone to the sexyness that i’ve called the Aggregate Threat Feed or ATF for short. This feed is derived from threat data at work, namely our network edge IPS (a custom snort implementation, another post on that later) and aggregated firewall data from 250+ servers, mostly being brute force/invasive scan attack addresses.
There really is nothing terribly fancy about this, the data is presented in a drop list format that is updated every 15 minutes with an optional variable to adjust the amount of addresses returned:
http://asonoc.com/api/atf.php?top=50 (defaults at 100)
The entries in the list are sorted on the database side by highest event count first, you can optionally view the source and event count entries in the list but this is considered strictly for review purposes (it wouldn’t be of much other use). Take note that the maximum value for ‘top’ is 300.
The review data looks something like follows:
———————- ips 227 ips 202 fw 176 ips 130 fw 125
This is pretty basic to understand, the distinction to note however is that event numbers for IPS source data can be 50 events against 1 or 20 servers whereas the event count for fw sourced data typically reflect unique servers. So an address sourced from fw data with 200 events, actually hit 200 servers.
The next release of APF due in the coming months, will feature many changes and among them will be the inclusion of ATF as part of the new feed subscription feature. Further, users will have the option to enable reporting to the rfxn.com server that allows your own block data to be included in the ATF database. As more installations opt-in on this feature it will allow data aggregation to reflect a more global threat landscape that truly represents the users of APF (currently active installations based on those fetching the rfxn.com reserved.networks list daily: 46,921).
Also on the agenda is a simple ATF landing page that presents statistical data and some fancy graphs/charts (probably use google api cause im lazy like that), that will allow users to better visualize threats included in the feed and details on the actual events that caused an address to end up in it (snort events, firewall triggers etc..).